Monday, June 24, 2019


This week has been pretty great! We had our mission wide zone conference because it was President and sister Lee's last one. It was very emotional and they were pretty much crying the whole time but that just brought the spirit a whole lot stronger. It was super good and there were a ton of really good musical numbers that some missionaries performed. I'm definitely gonna miss those two though! I've learned so much from the both of them and they have done so much for this area these last 3 years. I'm excited though for President and sister Wood! I've heard really good things about them so it'll be a good few months with them! They come in on Thursday which is crazy! Less than a week with the Lees.😭 

Anyway we also had the temple trip this last Friday! I didn't go because it was only for the departing missionaries so Elder Gibby went so we had to drive all the way up to the mission office in Jacksonville which was a lot of miles! We only have so many miles we can use a month and that trip wrecked us! It was super fun though because since it was such a far drive we couldn't drive back down and then back up when they came back so me and 2 other missionaries from our district stayed up in Arlington for the day! I used to serve there and so did one of the other Elders I was with so we spent the day visiting past people we knew there and it was so awesome! We didn't get to see everyone we wanted to but we got to see quite a bit and it was sweet! It was nice just reminiscing about the good ole days in Arlington which was about a year and a half ago which is crazy to think about! We had a good day though.

Sadly this week we dropped Tyler's baptismal date because he's just not progressing as much as he needs to so we are just gonna try and teach him as much as we can and set a date with him when he's ready. But we did set a date with Selena for July 13th! The same day as Pats! We had 2 amazing lessons this week too with Selena! We taught her more about priesthood authority and the importance of being baptized with that authority and that really helped her have the desire to be baptized! We also had a lesson with her all about the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance. She was really emotional during the whole lesson and the spirit was very strong. She really understands now that she is never alone no matter how down or lonely she feels and that Christ knows everything she feels, has felt, and will feel. It was very powerful and she was asking all the right questions. Then in church the next day both speakers talked about the Atonement and one of them sang I Stand All Amazed and that just reconfirmed to her the love that God has for her. She is doing fantastic!
I'm excited for another week out here in the Lord's vineyard! Interlachen is completely ready to harvest! I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!

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