We had district council in Gainesville so it took us almost an hour to get there cuz we are banished out here in Interlachen but I ain't complaining! District council was pretty good but the best part was we went to buffalo wild wings for lunch! It's been too long since I've been there and oh man was it a sweet reunion with me and those cheese curds!
More importantly we had 3 fantastic lessons with Brooke this week as well as her baptismal interview this last Saturday in which she passed! She is pretty much completely ready for baptism! We just have a few more things to teach her but she's had the discussions before so she knows quite a few things. She's supposed to be baptized this Saturday but they were talking to us about pushing it back a week so they can get her family to be there too. I honestly think the sooner the better but knowing her I think she would be fine if she does push it back a week. We'll see what they say.
We also had a trade off with the zone leaders because they probably just wanted to see if 2 "trunky" (homesick and ready to go home) missionaries like us in their last transfer were actually doing work lol! Which we are so no need to worry. We are finishing strong! Anyway it was a great tradeoff! I was with Elder Landon here in Interlachen and Elder Lamb went with Elder Thomas who we didn't know because he was from the Florida Tallahasse Mission before they merged into our mission but they had a good time on their trade off. I've known Elder Landon from my time in Orange Park so we had a really good time catching up and had a super fun trade off! So that was a good time! Only two more tradeoffs for the rest of my mission! Crazy stuff!
Anyway that's about all that happened this week! Oh ya! I also finally burnt my pants for my 18 month mark at a burn party some members in Palatka had but I sadly forgot to take pictures
. Oh well! I love yall! Have a fantastic week!
Also here's some pics of a gator that got super close to us and walked right in front of us! And a video of Elder Landon and I throwing away a members coffee and cigarettes that they gave us because they are finally deciding to stop! And also some pics of me at the gators stadium!
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