Hello!!!!! It's been a great week! Not too eventful but still great! Transfers are next Wednesday and the call is this Saturday so we'll see where I go or if I'll stay. Hopefully I stay! Arlington is so awesome! I just want to stay at least one more transfer!
The main cool thing that happened this week was we got our investigator with a baptism date, Shanika, in church finally! She loves the Book of Mormon and knows it's true, she just could never get to church and we could start seeing that she was slowly and slowly losing her spiritual fire. She came yesterday though with a member who has a little baby just like her and they sat in front of us and we basically just kept their kids occupied while they listened to the talks! It was probably the funniest sacrament meeting I've had in a while haha! She had come to church once before but only attended sacrament meeting and this this time she went to all three hours and we could see a huge difference in her after church! She was just way happier and didn't look so tired and worn out like she usually does. She got her spiritual battery filled! Her and the member that brought her are like best friends now too! They are taking their kids to chuckee cheeses this week and have a whole bunch of plans to hang out! I'm so happy! And just today Shanika called us and said she wants to read the Book of Mormon with us everyday when she is on her lunch break so we are going to call her at 11 everyday and read the Book of Mormon with her! I'm so excited!
I love being a missionary and love you all so much! Keep on keepin on!
Elder Plumb