Hi Mom -
Thank you so much for your prayers! We had a super busy week this week like I said in my weekly but the few times we were able to proselyte, people would actually talk to us. Arlington should be a super fun place to proselyte and I hear that missionaries meet some very interesting people so I'm super excited!
I didn't think I would say this but I miss Christmas caroling! Nothing but awesome memories from when I went with you guys. Faith is definitely a very important thing to have out here. It's always important to find the little things in each day that were good. It helps a lot!
It's great to hear Bryson's doing well! I need to email him it's been a while. Gabe never responds to my weeklys and I don't think I've sent him a personal one yet but I might have. He needs to watch those 12 steps to addiction recovery videos. I recommend showing those to the boys cuz there are some really crazy stories on there and it's really good. Maybe tonight for Family Home Evening or something show a few of them or all of them depending on time but they are super good.
I'm so happy for Jack Berg! He's come such a long way! I can't wait to see where he goes for his mission I'm so excited! And Christian sounds great! Classic Christian too that's so funny!
Also I opened my Christmas package cuz I wanted to open it in Fleming Island and I couldn't wait. I have no will power! I'll try really hard not to open the other one till Christmas. I'll send you the address in Arlington next Monday. Thank you so much for everything you sent! Those shoes are sweet and this keyboard I'm using is awesome and makes it so much easier to type up emails! I also used it to type up my talk for Sunday! And all that food too! I'm so happy! I never have any snacks here! That tie is super cool too! I might be able to wear that year round because it doesn't have any characters on it.
I love you so much! Thanks for everything you do!
Elder Plumb

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